August 24, 2011

New Gadget; Canon Digital SLR Rebel T3 / 1100 d


After long consideration I decided to get a digital SLR camera (speilrefleks på norsk). I almost wish I did it sooner, so many pictures from my trip around the world last year could have been perfect instead of just bad.
There have been many perks to having a waterproof camera, but the quality of the pictures just doesn't cut it..

An example: To the left a picture taken with my friend Silje's camera (5 yrs old), to the right my 3 month old Fujifilm Finepix Z33

| Both taken in broad daylight; Conclusion; don't buy this camera |

The month before I left Norway I was looking at cameras and searching through blogs and reviews to figure out which camera to buy. Then I realized that I should wait until I arrived in USA to buy one, since it is cheaper here. Also, I sent my camera in for repair and they said they fixed a defect objective, but after using the camera now for a month I can't say there is any difference to the quality of the camera. Plus, they basically told me; "Hey, it's a cheap camera, what do you expect." Yeah, of course they say that now, after I bought it..

SO, the other day after a lot of online searching I figured out that a store just 10 minutes from me was selling the camera I wanted. Me and one of the Norwegian guys I have met here went over there and we saw this other camera; Fujifilm SLR only 200 dollars! OMG, I will save $400 dollars if I buy this. BUT, NO! I am not buying a cheap Fujifilm again, I decided. 

Today, this Canon Rebel T3 came home with me! In Norway it is called Canon 1100 d. A friend of mine just bought this camera and also several of the blogs I follow have it too, so I think I will be quite happy with my choice :)

| My precious (hah, even this picture is blurry and out of focus (by the z33) ) |

 Do you have any bad experience with Fujifilm?


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