July 10, 2011

Future Travel Experiences in 2011


I will not exactly have an abundance of cash when I am studying in California so I will limit the international travels to Mexico; preferably Cabo San Lucas. BUT if I can afford it, I would love to see the pyramids in Chichen Itza, Yucatan. Our trip in Mexico last year, which you can read about here, fueled my interest in the ancient people Mayans.

| From the Tikal ruins, Guatemala |

Hopefully I will find some cheap domestic airline tickets so I can explore USA more. I will definitely go back to Los Angeles, but since it is such a short distance I will probably go there by car. Las Vegas is a MUST also. My friend Anna is going on exchange with her boyfriend in Hawaii so I really want to visit her there. Hawaii is one of my dream destinations.
Throughout the year I will see how much money I spend and depending on travel buddies and cheap tickets it would be cool to go to another state and see any of these two cities Phoenix or Seattle.

Well, at this point I am just dreamin', but I would love to see NY again and also visit any of these cities; Jersey (Shore!! haha) Philadelphia, Atlantic city, Atlanta and Chicago.

Where are you traveling in 2011??


  1. Søte Silje ♥ Du er så flink! Masse gode tips og hente her for en som vil ut å reise, men ikke har så altfor mye cash. Skal huske det hvis noen jeg kjenner skal ut å reise :) Og den hvite shortsen ble jo kjempetøff! Begynner du å få reisefeber nå?

    Klem Anne ♥

  2. @Anne
    Takk :) Reisefeberen er ankommet ja :P Jeg skal til Oslo om et par dager for å skaffe visum og skal bo hos Silje. Vi får prøve å få til en Oslo tur til neste år! :)
