June 26, 2011

How to save money for a vacation (California)

Me and my friend, Silje, (yes, we are both named Silje :)) traveled around the world last year.
We helped each other save money by changing our habits. I thought it could be useful to know what we did to increase our budget. The best advice I can give, is to visualize all the things you can do with the money you are saving. In these examples I will tell you what I usually imagine when saving money.

  • Do you have an expensive habit?
    • Coffee at your favourite coffee shop every morning?
      • First: Imagine drinking coffee at Starbucks in California instead
      • Then: Make your own coffee at home and bring it in a to-go-cup

    | Awesome Starbuck's Toffee Nut Latte |

      • Buying a magazine/newspaper every day/week
        • First: Imagine buying 10 magazines in USA for your one 60 kroner magazine (in Norway)
        • Then: Catching up on papers online, reading blogs or reading your favourite book again.

      • Going to get a manicure/waxing job/skin treatment every other week?
        • First: Imagine how cheap it is to do these things where you are going. You can get 10 massages for the price of one in Thailand.
        • Then: Invite your friends for a spa-night where you color each-others eyebrows, do manicures etc.

        | Just got a mani-pedi |

        • Do you spend a lot of money when you go out to party?
          • First: Imagine spending the money on something you can remember really want to do
          • Then: Try to cut down to going out once a week
            • Go to Sweden to buy cheap alcohol or buy alcohol if you are traveling (Duty Free)
            • Sneak into your parents liquor cabinet   Ask for beer/wine/liquor from your parents
            • Go to a nice place with a low entrance fee
            • Have a long pre-party
            • If possible, take public transport to the party
            • Try to limit yourself to buying beer (drinks are so expensive)
            • If you usually buy drinks to everyone, tell them they are drunk enough you're saving
            • If possible, walk home with a friend (the fresh air will do you good and you save the taxi money)
            • Save some dinner so you have some snacks at home, no need for an expensive pizza slice/kebab/hot-dog

      What changes do you have to make to save money?


        1. Haha.. likte spesielt tipsene om hvordan man sparer penger på byen ;) Et alternativ er å reise ut på Gjøvik. Der får du ikke kjøpt alkohol etter klokken halv 2!!

        2. @Marita
          Hehe, vi burde kanskje fulgt noen av disse tipsene i København? Som f.eks ikke ta taxi 50 meter? :P
