August 5, 2011

This is Where I Live !!!!!!!


Today I had sort of a revelation. Wow, I am really enjoying paradise. I went for a walk to get to know the area around my apartment better. So, I walked two blocks down and this was my view:

| A beautiful park with a small beach strip | 

| Someone was having fun on a jet ski, I am going to rent one soon | 

I decided to turn around and walked about 15 minutes from my apartment, and I saw a sign with "Starbucks". WOW!

| I made them make my favourite hot drink as a frappuccino: Cinnamon Dolce Latte Frappuccino |

It was too hot for a warm drink, so I wanted to know what frappuccinos they had. Basically, they can make any drink cold. They hadn't made it before, so they said if I didn't like it I would get another drink. It tasted GREAT :D

Other things worth to mention about 15 minutes from my apartment: A liquor store, a Thai restaurant, a grocery store, a gas station, my bank.. Then I walked about 5 more minutes and I got to all the restaurants, nightclubs, shops, and fun little things such as a costume shop, second-hand stores, Shisha/Hookah-stores and Psychics. 

| I don't know if I dare to try it... |

Think I will manage living here... :D


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